Tuesday, April 21, 2015

[UPDATE] Telangana TS Inter 1st year results 2015 announced

The Board of Intermediate Education (BIE) of Telangana is likely to announce the TS Inter First (1st) Year results 2015 tomorrow on 22 April at 11 am and the Telangana Intermediate 2nd year results 2015 on 29 April.

The BIE regulates and supervises the system of intermediate education in the state of Telangana. It executes and governs various activities that include “devising of courses of study, prescribing syllabus, conducting examinations, granting affiliations to colleges and, providing direction, support and leadership for all educational institutions under its jurisdiction.”

The vision of BIE is to promote world-class education through ‘quality leadership, support and services’ with an aim to improve the education standards in the state.
As per their website bie.telanagna.gov.in, the other important functions of the Board are:
  •     To prescribe syllabi and text books.
  •     To grant affiliation to the institutions offering Intermediate course.
  •     To lay down regulations for the administration of Junior Colleges.
  •     To publish text books
  •     To prescribe qualifications for teachers.
  •     To conduct academic inspection of Junior Colleges.
  •     To conduct examinations.
  •     To process results and to issue certificates.
Apart from these above mentioned activities, examination is another most important function of the BIE Board. Every year it conducts the Annual Examination (in March/April) and the Advanced Supplementary Examination (in June/July).
Tomorrow is the day when the BIE will end the suspense for a lot of students by announcing the Telangana TS Inter First (1st) year exam results 2015 at 11 am. Students can log on to the official website of the board to access their results online.

new How to check TS Intermediate Result 2015 :

1. Firstly visit official web portal of BIE Telangana State- bie.telanagna.gov.in 
2. After that just click on result link and enter your roll number and click the submit.
3. Your result will be displayed on your computer screen.

Steps to check Manabadi AP Inter 1st and 2nd year Result 2015 :

To know your AP Intermediate Results 2015, students are advised to visit www.bieap.gov.in, and finally go to the results page by clicking on the relevant link on its homepage.

  • visit the official site
  • Go to the results section.
  • Find the results section according to the 1st year and 2nd year.
  • Type the given fields with your registered numbers and personal details and click on submit.

TS & AP Intermediate Hall Ticket 2015 Available below for download

new Andhra Pradesh March - 2015 Candidates May Check their Details Click Here

new Telangana March - 2015 Candidates May Check their Details Click Here

Or Click Here

Telangana 1st Year 2015 Intermediate Examination results are not yet declared. Results will be Declared on 22nd April, 2015 itself. So stay tuned for more updates on Telangana Inter 1st Year 2015 Inter Results. Press CTRL+Dright now to bookmark this page.


  1. waiting for results..

    1. They will be out soon. Keep Checking our site

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  3. The students from Telangana state are much eager to check their Telangana intermediate results 2017 from the official site. The board of education has announced that Telangana intermediate results will be declared on 17th April.

  4. The Telangana Board of Intemediate Education will be releases out TS 12th Result 2017 very soon. All of the students will be able to fetches out TS 12th Result 2017 after the board announcement.

  5. Good details available for the Telangana Intermediate Result 2018 Name Wise here. Proceed to fetches out directly from here Telangana Intermediate Result 2018 Name Wise after the official declaration.

  6. Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education, Will be condidate soon TS Intermediate Result Examination in March 2018 candidate can check their TS Intermediate Result 2018 Your Board examination time table will be available in January 2018 Onward. Keep Visit Official web portal regularly for more updates.

  7. TS Jr inter Result 2018 TS Intermediate Results name wise, school wise, General and vocational courses wise, district wise will be announced by TS Board.

  8. Candidates can check AP Inter Result 2018 which will be declared in April 2018 Month. visit official website to know more.

  9. AP Intermediate Result 2018 will be declared soon on the official website of AP Intermediate exam.

  10. All Candidates are invited to check TS Intermediate Result 2018 from the official website. visit to the official portal of TS Board.

  11. All Candidates can check TS Intermediate Result 2018 by the official website. go to the official portal of TS Board.

  12. Check online AP Intermediate Result 2018 by visiting to the official website of AP Board.

  13. All Candidates can check TS Intermediate Result 2018 through the official website. go to the official portal of TS Board.

  14. AP Intermediate 12th Result 2018 has completed the process of evaluation of copies and soon.

  15. Check AP Inter 2nd Year Result 2018 by the official website of Board to know 2nd year exam result.

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